Table of Contents:
- Overview
- How to access your order via email
- How to access your order from the client portal
- How to fill out your food order
If you are looking for instructions on how to fill out our online order form, you have come to the right place! The following steps will take you through how to place an order.
This process will only work if your coach knows you are using our Awaken180° At Home service. Your coach will need to begin the ordering process for you.
How to access your order via email:
- You receive an email from Awaken180° notifying you that its "Time to Order More Food!". (As stated in the prerequisite, this email will get generated by your coach, there is nothing for you to do!)
- Click the large Let's Place My Order! button in the email body.
- If you are already signed into the website, you will get redirected to the order form where you can choose the products you'd like.
- If you are not signed in, you will get redirected to the sign in page where you can sign in with your email and password. (If you are unsure of your password, please use the "forgot my password" tool or follow the instructions here.)
- After signing in, you should get redirected to the order form where you can choose your food. If you are not redirected there, please go back to your email and click the Select My Food ! button one more time. Now you should see the order form.
How to access your order from the client portal:
- Please sign into the client portal at
- Please sign in using your credentials for the Awaken180° Client Portal.
- After successfully signing in, please move your cursor to the left pane and click on "Food Orders".
- Following that action, you will be redirected to a page displaying the list of your food orders, as illustrated below.
- If you want to make changes to your most recent food order, simply click on the "Description" and proceed to follow the instructions from step 2 on How to complete your food order.
How to fill out your food order:
- The order form contains the following information (number corresponds to number in image below). the image is also an attachment to the article in case it's too small to read above):
- 1) This is your product counter. Your coach selected how many general products and how many limited products are allowed in your order.
- 2) This is the item name
- 3) This is where you enter how many you'd like
- 4) This is the header for the general products. As you scroll down through the order form you will see the section with the header limited products.
- A few things to note about filling out your order form:
- The counter (labeled #1) will automatically decrease as you select the items you want.
- You will be unable to select more items than your coach chose. If you go over the limit, you will see a pop-up that tells you what went wrong. Simply adjust your order until you are within your order's limits.
- Continue to select the products you'd like until both the limited products and general products remaining reads "0".
- Scroll to the bottom of the order form and click Continue.
- You will get redirected to an order confirmation page where you can verify you selected the correct items.
- Below this order summary, you must enter your shipping address. This may already be done if we have your address on file. Please verify the address either way!
- If you have no address on file you will see the image below. Simply click Add Address and enter your shipping address
- If you have no address on file you will see the image below. Simply click Add Address and enter your shipping address
- Once your shipping address is entered, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the final confirmation:
- If the address and number of items looks correct, click the dropdown (labeled #1), and select Yes. After choosing 'yes' from the dropdown menu, the green button will no longer be disabled.
- Click the Finalize Order button.
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